Qualification Harmonization for Regional Integration: The WAEC Model


Oni E. O.
Charity Chiyenlu Okide


Education which is crucial to knowledge generation is a powerful tool for the harvesting of human and natural resources for purposes of better living and general development. Discovery of resources, technological advancement, multilateral relationship among world sovereign nation and continuous need for collaboration have brought the world under one umbrella, often referred to as ‘global world. Such knowledge driven world pivoted on education calls for collective standardization of all parameters that will promote smooth interaction. With its compartmentalization feature, it is important to have minimum bench made for all the academic undertakings so as to ensure quantity and quality control. Also, is accessibility to higher education without barriers. This will in turn forestall at least reduce imbalance of input among member states. This work pays close attention to the issues raised above; and in addition, it spells out possible steps to actualize the desires and offers means of sustaining the multilateral collaboration toward achieving set goals looking at qualification, harmonization and regional integration --the WAEC model.


How to Cite
O., O. E., & Okide, C. C. (2017). Qualification Harmonization for Regional Integration: The WAEC Model. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(8). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/125773