Kashmir under the Afghans (1752-1819)


Zaheen .


The current paper ventures to understand the participation of Afghan rule in the regional transformation of Kashmir. The emergence of Afghans on the political forefront of Kashmir in the middle of 18th century was a direct outcome of Mughal administration. Afghan subadars tried to establish their political hegemony on the remnants of the Mughal structures which had already started dwindling under the later rulers of Mughal dynasty. Unlike pre-Mughal period, the political situation prevailing in the adjoining territories had comparatively greater impact on the political and administrative functioning of the region of Kashmir, itself. Though disgruntled nobility and internal administrative instability had a role to play in the frequently changing dynastic rule in post-Mughal Kashmir but the dynamics of political formations in the adjoining regions, especially in Lahore, Sind and Punjab determined the course of political history of Kashmir under and after the Afghans.

The Afghans ruled Kashmir for 67 years which witnessed the rule of Pathan emperors at the Imperial court and around 26 subadars in the province of Kashmir. Though, it was an extension of Mughal administrative machinery and institutions but the position and functioning of the significant provincial officials like subadars, sahibkars, diwans, etc. underwent certain changes. The Afghan rulers didn't engage themselves in overhauling the administrative measures in the valley but continued with the systems pertaining to governance, initiated by early Mughals, except a few official positions especially in the revenue administration of the region.

Besides the impact of Afghan functionaries on the socio-political and economic facets of the valley, one would also try to figure out the nature and role of local elite who played a substantial role in the ever-changing conditions of the state.


How to Cite
., Z. (2016). Kashmir under the Afghans (1752-1819). The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(1). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/125812