Social, Economic and Environmental Effect of Sand Mining


Abdul Kareem O. C.
C. P. Shaheed Ramzan


Our earth is blessed with innumerable goods which are essential for our survival. Every society utilizes such natural resources for its development and for the welfare of its members. Since these goods are available in abundance, we undervalue these resources and use them carelessly. Sand is one such good which is used for construction and industrial purposes. The impact of economic growth powered by the emphasis on the development of physical infrastructure, rapid industrialization triggered by the globalization and expansion of world trade and the boost in construction sector including the real estate segment of the economy have raised the demand for sand multiple times. Improved standard of living, better income and employment opportunities, new technology, greater road network and the increased awareness of the people on the need to build a strong and lasting shelter for living coupled with the scarcity of the traditional construction materials have added a strong push to the otherwise increasing demand for sand. This led to the extensive and intensive sand mining across the world much beyond the natural replacement level.


How to Cite
C., A. K. O., & Ramzan, C. P. S. (2016). Social, Economic and Environmental Effect of Sand Mining. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(1). Retrieved from