Police- Public Encounters, the Inevitability of Use of Force


Ishmael Mugari
Fungai Brian Gombarume
Shingirirayi Gona


During their everyday interactions with the public, police officers often encounter situations in which they will be expected to use force. The dangerous occupational environment, coupled with the legal authority to use force makes the use of force by the police inevitable. However, negative consequences such as injuries and deaths to members of the public have often been caused by police use of force. Several police officers have also been injured while some have died during confrontations with the public. On numerous occasions, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has had to contend with allegations of excessive use of force by various non- governmental organisations and media houses. There have often been counter-accusations between the police and the public, yet these counter- accusations do not solve anything. This paper, which is based on literature and documentary survey, highlights key aspects on the concept of use of force, with a focus on the ZRP.


How to Cite
Mugari, I., Gombarume, F. B., & Gona, S. (2016). Police- Public Encounters, the Inevitability of Use of Force. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(1). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/125836