Voicing the Subaltern in the Select Novels of Amitav Ghosh


S. V. Ramesh Kumar


Amitav Ghosh is a postmodern Indian English novelist, who mastered the art of narration with new styles and innovative techniques. His novels can be treated as socio-historic documents because in his novels he reconstructs the private history of the subalterns from the historical past and also voices their plight and sufferings. Amitav Ghosh reconstructs the private histories of the victims of public history and gives voice to these helpless and voiceless subalterns.

It can be inferred that, a close survey of the novels of Amitav Ghosh is an exciting experience, because it portrays the history from below. It shows the horrifying effect of history on the individuals and discusses how the historical incidents pushed the common people to the margins of the society and turned them into subalterns. It gives voice to the plight, sufferings of the subalterns.

Voicing the subaltern by Amitav Ghosh gives confidence to the subalterns of the contemporary society and boost up their morale. It also helps the readers to understand history in right way. It shall be apt to say that Ghosh successfully tries to bring the subalterns from the margins of the society to the centre.


How to Cite
Kumar, S. V. R. (2016). Voicing the Subaltern in the Select Novels of Amitav Ghosh. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(1). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/125838