Enhancing Quality Education for Sustainable Development in Kenya


Julius Otieno Gogo


Quality is meeting, exceeding and delighting customers' needs and expectations with the recognition that these needs and desires will change over time. The primary customer in education is the student and the ultimate goal of education is to ensure that the student can function in society now and in the future. Quality education must, therefore, enable students to develop to the fullest potential, their personality, talents, mental and physical abilities. These would enable them participate in the socio-politico-economic development of the nation. This paper, therefore, examines the status of quality education in Kenya and its relevance to the world of work in relation to the national goals of education. It seeks to answer the questions: Are the children learning today able to compete in a world economy? Is education preparing world-class citizens not only for tomorrow but for today? Indeed, the paper discusses policy considerations for quality education with regard to reliance on national examinations to evaluate performance of students; the role of curriculum reviews in enhancing quality education; the development of practical skills, knowledge and attitudes required at the work place; competition among schools, colleges and universities and its influence on quality education; the burgeoning expenditure on education; the high rate of increase in enrolment that is not in tune with the available facilities and personnel; and the effect of unemployment and underemployment on the value of education.


How to Cite
Gogo, J. O. (2016). Enhancing Quality Education for Sustainable Development in Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(1). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/125858