Study on Crime Abortion Law Viewed from Law Number 36 Year 2009 on Health


Mhd. Syafii


The cause of the crime of abortion provocatus namely: Pregnancy as a result of sexual intercourse outside of marriage, socio-economic reasons, the reason the child is quite a lot, the reason has not been able to have children, pregnancy due to rape, contraceptive failure, health reasons

Constraints in the investigation of criminal abortion provocatus is that the evidence in the case had been lost or cannot be found anymore. The loss of evidence is much influenced by the possibility of agreement between the perpetrators of the crime of abortion provocatus or help commit the crime of abortion provocatus.

Efforts to control or prevention of abortion can be performed with countermeasures preventive, done in two ways: How Abolisionalistik, which is a way of overcoming crime eliminating / reducing the factors that can lead to crime or to eliminate the causes of crime, for example, it is known that the causes of crime are the economic factors then attempt to prosper to reduce crime caused by economic factors is the way abolisionalistik. Moralistic way, which is a reduction by c fig giving legal counseling, guidance, religion, mental coaching with the aim that people do not become members of lawbreakers. Repressive made after the commission of a crime with the aim that it does not reoccur, countermeasures curative, by conducting healing offender conditions.


How to Cite
Syafii, M. (2016). Study on Crime Abortion Law Viewed from Law Number 36 Year 2009 on Health. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(2). Retrieved from