Religion and Vegetarianism: A Comparison between Hinduism and the Seventh-Day Adventist Christians


Anyona Wycliffe Obiri
Chandrashekhar .
Jagannath K. Dange


The issue of vegetarianism is a widely spoken, but less practiced one. Religion in some way has influenced our way of eating. This study looks into the Hindu and the Seventh-day Adventist Christians and how they have influenced vegetarianism among their members. This study will not look in detail the controversial issues regarding their teachings; the concern here is to understand vegetarianism within their circle of membership.  This study explains who in the Hinduism is a vegetarian and In the SDA as well. The motivating factors that prompts the vegetarians from the two religions. This article also examines the dangers of intake of flesh foods in respect to the perspective of the two religions.

The study strikes a code that confirms the phrase unity in diversity between the Hindus and the SDA Christians. What are some of the points that show their similarities? Vegetarianism is thought by the two religions but yet, there can be differences in their ideology and philosophy of their doctrines. This study as well has underlined some of the important differences of the two religions despite the fact that they agree in this teaching of vegetarianism.


How to Cite
Obiri, A. W., ., C., & Dange, J. K. (2016). Religion and Vegetarianism: A Comparison between Hinduism and the Seventh-Day Adventist Christians. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(2). Retrieved from