The Influence of Knowledge about Agricultural Technologies on Secondary School Students' Choice of Agriculture as Career


Atibioke O. A.
Abiodun A. A.
Ilemaiye F. O.


This study investigated how knowledge about Agricultural technologies influenced secondary school students' choice of Agriculture as a career. Primary data were obtained using a structured questionnaire to interview 103 students from different classes of a school using random sampling technique. Retrieved data were analyzed using frequency counts and Chi square analysis. The result showed 84.5% (87) as having knowledge about Agricultural Technologies available for use in Agricultural practice, 15.5% (16) of respondents don't know about Agricultural Technologies. The number of respondents intending to practice Agriculture as a career are 66 (89.2%) due to knowledge about Agricultural technologies and 8 (10.8%) who said they are not aware of Agricultural technologies but have reasons like love of nature, personal interest and accountability and responsibility to self as drive to practice Agriculture. The p value from Chi analysis is 0.029, this indicates a significant relationship between knowledge about Agricultural technologies and students' choice of Agriculture as a career.


How to Cite
A., A. O., A., A. A., & O., I. F. (2016). The Influence of Knowledge about Agricultural Technologies on Secondary School Students’ Choice of Agriculture as Career. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(2). Retrieved from