Victim of Marginalization (Marikolunthu) in Anita Nair's Ladies Coupe


S. Suganya


Indian writing in English has acquired a new identity in presenting its real picture of the society. The writers like Mulk Raj Anand, Raja Rao, Arundhati Roy and many more have portrayed the picture of the people from the deprived caste that is marginalized section of the society through their novels. In this regard, many women face such social segregation especially women from low class are socially expelled in the patriarchal Indian culture. The set apart ideological pattern, patriarchy, and the over-all notions of patriarchy have impact on the marginalization of a specific group or individual. It is the social process if proper or being made subordinate. Marginalized individuals are also expelled from services, events, and strategies in all aspects. Resulting in poverty, psycho-emotional injure, and its resulting problems often result in tragic damage to life, health, and mind. Women belonging to the lower classes, lower castes, uneducated and the poorest section have diverse levels of marginalization than their better off counterparts. Anita Nair in her novels ably focuses on themes such as gender inequity, subordination, patriarchy, silence, suppression and suffering, rebellion, protest etc. This paper is an attempt to focus on the marginalized segment of the society in order to get some optimistic resolution for termination of this sort of marginalization.


How to Cite
Suganya, S. (2016). Victim of Marginalization (Marikolunthu) in Anita Nair’s Ladies Coupe. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(2). Retrieved from