Influence of Mir Saiyid Ali Hamadani on Religious Education in Kashmir


Mehraj Din Dar
Nighat Basu


Mir Saiyid Ali Hamadani, the apostle of Kashmir was born in Hamadan, Iran. He belonged to Kubraviya order of Sufis. The Kubraviya silsalah was an offshoot of the Suharwardi Silsalah. He received his early education from his maternal uncle, Saiyid Alau Din, a great Sufi of his time. Shah-i-Hamadan travelled across the continents for twenty one years, in pursuit of knowledge. The Shah of Hamadan reached Kashmir in 1372. The arrival of Mir Saiyid Ali Hamadani is by all standards a turning point in the history of Kashmir. It heralded the dawn of a new era in the sense that the history of Kashmir took a decisively new turn and a vigorous process of socio-cultural change got activated.

At the time Shah-i-hamadan arrived in Kashmir, morality was at its lowest ebb. The sheltered economy, prevalence of castes and sub-castes in the society, exploitation of common people at the hands of traditional Brahmins, frequent inter and intra group civil wars between various sections of society, confusing paths and lawlessness had rendered average people helpless. People were ready to welcome any change in the system. Thus a good number of 37000 people got converted to Islam within a brief period of time.Mir Saiyid Ali Hamadani's influence is a major factor behind changing the demographic character of Kashmir. Under his impact, Brahmanical influence declined and most castes embraced Islam.

Amir-i-Kabir's great influence on Kashmiri society was the result of his accessibility. His Khanqah was open to all from sultan to poor Hindu. He had no reservation in counseling monarchs because he saw that their policies were key to the welfare of people. Hamadani's introduction of the tradition of zikr was motivated by his desire to bring different sections of Kashmiri society together. The zikr of Awrad-i-Fathiya ceremonies after the Fajr (morning prayers) and Isha (night) prayers served the social purpose of gathering different people together twice a day without reference of their wealth and poverty.

One of the Shah-i-Hamadan's impacts of great significance was the emergence of a network of Khanqahs which served as great centers of proselytization especially at Hindu rich centers. In the state there are four shrines dedicated to Mir Saiyid Ali Hamadani: the Khanqah-i-Mualla (Srinagar), Tral, Doru and Shey (Ladakh). There are also several lesser known shrines which are situated at Pampore, Sopore etc.

Shah-i-Hamadan was a multi-dimensional personality. He was a social reformer besides being a preacher. Among the 700 followers, who accompanied him to Kashmir were men of Arts and Crafts who flourished here. Several industries of Hamadan (Iran) became well introduced in Kashmir. The Shawl industry was in its moribund condition when Saiyid Ali Hamadani came to Kashmir. It was due to his fervent support to this industry that this industry received a new lease of life. Besides shawl industry the local and Iranian crafts were given a big boost by Mir Saiyid Ali Hamadani.


How to Cite
Dar, M. D., & Basu, N. (2016). Influence of Mir Saiyid Ali Hamadani on Religious Education in Kashmir. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(3). Retrieved from