Childbirth Related Morbidity among the Women of Reproductive Age


Bhuwan Kumari Dangol


A descriptive research design was used to conduct this study among the women of reproductive age in central part of Nepal. The main objective of the study was to find out the childbirth related morbidity among the women of the reproductive age. A sample size was 100 women were taken on the purposive convenient sampling. Data were collected by interview method. The collected data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The finding of the study was 37 percent reproductive age women had some types of childbirth related morbidities. Mean age of respondents was 29 years. All of respondents were married and in Hindu religion. Majority of respondents was housewife (50 percent). Eighty-four percent respondents delivered their last baby at home, and the birth attendance was mother in law (92 percent). Majority of respondents had normal delivery (86 percent), adopted squatting and knelling position (88 percent) while giving birth. Majority 72 percent respondents had 2-3 years' childbirth interval, and the 42 percent respondent had average size baby born at last delivery. All most all 97 percent respondents use patuka (abdominal girdle) after delivery. Eighty percent respondents initiate their household work within 42 days of post-partum period. Forty-four percent respondent had some type of health problem during last child birth; that were chronic cough (12.7 percent), postpartum sepsis (20.4 percent), and constipation (15.9 percent), bleeding (4.5percent) and so on. Among the 100 respondents (multiple responses) 3 percent complained something coming down (uterine prolapsed in some degree), 37 percent had white watery discharge, 21 percent had chronic lower abdominal pain, 17 percent had lower back pain 4 percent had perineal area pain, 3 percent had difficult while walking and 2 percent had difficult in urine pass and 3 percent had stress incontinence. Hence, the findings reveal that, emergency obstetric care services should be available, affordable, acceptable all part of the country


How to Cite
Dangol, B. K. (2016). Childbirth Related Morbidity among the Women of Reproductive Age. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(3). Retrieved from