Empowering women through SHGs in Hegganadevanakote Taluk


K. Komala


The revival of Self Help Groups (SHG's) during the last two decades has added another dimension to the ongoing poverty alleviation programme. The study was undertaken the women empowerment through SHGs in H.D. Kote taluk. Self help groups with small micro finance have taken a pivotal position in the field of rural credit. The women SHGs having tremendous confidence among them, have brought about a transformation in the social status of its members. It is one of the important programmes to eradicate poverty, especially for rural women. It would immensely help the rural women to participate in the process of decision making both inside as well as outside the household. Infact, effective working of SHGs directly combats the menace of unemployment and poverty. Further the SHGs directly have been improving social, economic condition of women, which contribute to the gender empowerment process in the rural areas.


How to Cite
Komala, K. (2015). Empowering women through SHGs in Hegganadevanakote Taluk. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(4). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/126079