A Study on Sense of Humour and Psychological Wellbeing among Young and Middle Adults


S. Sowmya
Y. Nizamudeen
Priya Magesh


Humour  is  a  fundamental  aspect of  human  experience  occurring  in  different  forms  in different  individuals  across  varied  cultures  and  situations.  Sense  of  humour  is  the  ability  of an  individual  to  appreciate  humour  whether  created  by  him  or  others.  Recent  researches  in psychology  have  established  the  link  between  sense  of  humour  and  wellbeing  in  various aspects.  Psychological  well-being  refers  to  how  people  evaluate  their  lives  (Diener , 1997). The  study  investigates  the  level  and  styles  of  humour  in  young  and  middle  adults  and  the difference  in  the  humour  styles  between  the  two  sample  groups.  Further  to  study  the relationship  between  situational  humour  response  and  psychological  wellbeing  among adults.  To  study  the relationship  between  humour  styles  and  psychological  wellbeing  among  adults. And  to  explore  the  effect  of  demographic  variables  on  the difference  in  styles  of  humour  employed  by  the  target  sample.  Expost-facto research design is adopted for the study.  N=108 (63) in young adults and (45) in middle adults.  Statistical  Analysis  included  are independent  sample  't'  test  and  Pearson's  product  moment  correlation.  The  result  shows  that situational  humour  response  is  correlated  with  Environmental  mastery  among  adults. Affiliative  humour  style  is  positively  correlated  with  environmental  mastery,  personal  growth,  positive  relations  and  self-acceptance.  Aggressive  humour  style  is  negatively correlated  with  personal  growth,  positive  relations,  purpose  in  life  and  self-acceptance.  Self-defeating  humour  style  is  negatively  correlated  with  personal  growth  and  purpose  in  life. There  is a significant  difference  in  Affiliative  and  aggressive  humour  style  between  young  and middle  adults.  Also  there  is a  significant  difference  in  the  dimensions  of  psychological  well-being  (Environmental  Mastery,  Personal  Growth,  Positive  Relations,  Purpose  in  life  and  Self-acceptance)  between  young  and  middle  adults.  There is gender difference  in  Aggressive  and  Self-defeating  humour  style.  There  is  a  significant  difference  in  Affiliative  humour  style  between  unemployed  and  employed  adults.


How to Cite
Sowmya, S., Nizamudeen, Y., & Magesh, P. (2015). A Study on Sense of Humour and Psychological Wellbeing among Young and Middle Adults. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(4). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/126080