Yoga Theory of Kaivalya: A Comparative Study


Sukanta Das


We know that the concept of moká¹£a has a very important role in Indian Philosophy. Among all the systems of Indian Philosophy, Sāá¹khya-Yoga is most ancient and significant in this course. Hence, at first, we should know what yoga is and how it leads us to the way of liberation or particularly kaivalya. Our main aim is to establish yogic methods as best for attainment of liberation. For this, we have discussed the concept and methods of liberation according to other schools viz. Bauddha, Jaina, Nyāya, Advaita Vedānta. And this paper also has tried to show how other systems follow the yogic methods for attainment of liberation, though their using words are different, sense is similar.  At last, it has been proved that the yogic method is best among all the philosophical schools of Indian Philosophy for attainment of liberation or kaivalya in this present life.


How to Cite
Das, S. (2015). Yoga Theory of Kaivalya: A Comparative Study. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(5). Retrieved from