A Comparative Study on the Library Facilities of Government and Private Secondary Schools in Nagaon District


Himakshi Borah


Learning is a lifelong process. This process of learning and the habit of reading should build from the early days of a student life. Education is a lifelong process and libraries are proper agencies for providing all requisite reading materials to one and all for attaining proper education throughout once lifetime. Library is a backbone of an institution. The school library awakens and fosters reading habits among children and young students and enlightens their imaginative minds. The school library aims to create a love for books, generate interest in reading and slowly develop the habit of reading. The school library should have a good stock of books and other learning and teaching materials collections should include picture books, biographers of great man and woman, books of travel, folktales, stories, and reference books for children, children's magazines, audio visual aids like video cassettes, models, charts, photographs, maps and toys. The school libraries should develop an excellent stock of text books, general books on popular science, biographic, travel books, books on sports and games, dictionaries etc.

A school library serves a very useful purpose. It helps teachers to prepare themselves for teaching their subject. So, if there is no school library they would be at a disadvantage. If a student read only prescribed text book, he will not be able to know all about the subject of his study. Out sides books on these subjects will give him much useful information and will perhaps enable him to gain firm grasp of those subject. It is not possible for every student to buy all the books he wants to read. In the library he can read many books as he likes. Poor students, who cannot purchase book, can use the school library with advantage. When a student has to write an article for the school magazine or discuss a subject in the debating society he must read more outside books.

Project work is another important part of any educational institutions; it increases knowledge about different areas. This project work areas are a government and a private secondary school library and the selected topic is "A Comparative Study on the Library Facilities of Government and Private Secondary Schools in Nagaon District”, so this project work has great educational implication because a library is the part and parcel of any educational institutions it may be school, college, university or may be other technical institutions. Library provides lifelong self education. It increases knowledge and gives information on all subjects including local national and international affairs to serve economic, political, social welfare. It is also useful for proper use of leisure, advancement of culture and preservation of literacy heritage for posterity. So, we can say that this project work has great educational implications. The main objective of the study is to make a comparative study of library facilities (infrastructure, books, staff, and time table) available in private schools and government schools.


How to Cite
Borah, H. (2016). A Comparative Study on the Library Facilities of Government and Private Secondary Schools in Nagaon District. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(3). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/126411