The Contribution of Teachers' Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Program to Quality of Education and Its Teacher-Related Challenging Factors at Chagni Primary Schools, Awi Zone, Ethiopia


Sintayehu Belay


This study examined the contribution of teachers' Continuous Professional Development (CPD) to quality of education and its challenging factors related with teachers. For this purpose, the study employed descriptive survey method. 76 or 40.86% participant teachers were selected using simple random sampling technique. Close-ended questionnaire was used to collect data for the study. Data from questionnaire were analyzed using one sample t-test. As study results pointed out, although teachers' engagement in CPD activities was found to be very poor CPD has made significant contribution to the improvement in students' achievement, classroom practices and teachers' professional competence. Moreover, the study found significantly high impact of teachers' belief, commitment, competence, cooperativeness, sense of responsibility and motivation in their CPD practice. Finally, based on study results, recommendations were forwarded to concerned bodies about further activities that need to get due attention.


How to Cite
Belay, S. (2016). The Contribution of Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Program to Quality of Education and Its Teacher-Related Challenging Factors at Chagni Primary Schools, Awi Zone, Ethiopia. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(3). Retrieved from