Calcutta - The Sweet Essence of the World


Shreya Bhattacharya


Every society is dynamic having its own likes and preferences towards certain kinds of food and food habits. These preferences crop up from traditions, climate be it environmental or cultural, myths, as well as availability. Man eats only what he chooses to and that is often marked by economic, socio-cultural or nutritional factors or some kind of symbolic ratification attached to it. Therefore forming the culture and expressing the identity of the man. Thus food is analogous to culture by the way it is consumed, compiled, assembled, prepared and by all the conventions fastened to it, and culture is definitely dynamic born out of complex exchanges,  diverse interactions and tastes from all around the world.

This article explores the gastronomic culture of the Bengalis, their immense love for sweets as well as influence of the British and the Portuguese on traditional sweetmeats.


How to Cite
Bhattacharya, S. (2016). Calcutta - The Sweet Essence of the World. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(3). Retrieved from