Igala Religion and Ecosystem: A Nexus


Israel Yunisa Akoh


The research topic is Igala Religion and Ecology: A Nexus with particular focus on man's relationship with ecology. Ecology is an important aspect of Igala Religion in that both of them inter relate with each other for sustainability and livelihood. The aim of the study is to investigate into the relationship between Igala religion and its immediate environment. To achieve this, the following objectives are set out; to state ecology and their relevance and inter relationship with Igala religion, to investigate the effect of science and technology on the natural environment, to find out ways of reducing environmental crises. The methods used are historical and phenomenological approach along side with site visitation/interview for data collection. It is discovered that the ecosystem plays an important role in Igala religion and that Igala religion relates well with the natural environment because of the roles they play in her religion. It is recommended that the ecosystem should be well protected to foster the existing relationship of ecosystem with Igala religion.


How to Cite
Akoh, I. Y. (2016). Igala Religion and Ecosystem: A Nexus. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(3). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/126429