SSSCE/WASSCE Results as a Predictor of HND Statistics Results (A Case Study of Cape Coast Polytechnic, Cape Coast, Ghana)


George Oduro-Okyireh
Theodore Oduro-Okyireh


The study aimed at assessing the predictive validity of the SSSCE/WASSCE results for the 3 year HND Statistics Programme in the Polytechnics in Ghana. Data for the research were secondary data from the Statistics and Computer Studies Department of Cape Coast Polytechnic, comprising SSSCE/WASSCE results or aggregates, and CGPAs of students who gained admission into the HND programme in this department and graduated in the years 2007 to 2013.Thus, a sample of seven consecutive years was taken. In all, a sample size of 182 students was taken. The data were analysed by using mainly regression, one-way ANOVA, and correlation analysis with the aid of MINITAB 15. Results of this study were as follows:  The Pearson's correlation between students' SSCE/WASSCE results and CGPAs was . The regression of students' CGPA on SSSCE/WASSCE aggregates was . However, it was found that predictions of students' CGPAs would come with very bad precisions. Also, the value of the correlation coefficient was found to be different from the original r when only students with subject related backgrounds (Elective Mathematics in this case) were considered, though, the difference was not significant at 0.5 level of significance.


How to Cite
Oduro-Okyireh, G., & Oduro-Okyireh, T. (2016). SSSCE/WASSCE Results as a Predictor of HND Statistics Results (A Case Study of Cape Coast Polytechnic, Cape Coast, Ghana). The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(3). Retrieved from