Measures for Supervision in Efforts to Achieve Government of the Net


Haposan Siallagan


Supervision is an attempt systematically to review the implementation of objectives set standards with Planning objectives, designing information systems Manufacture Sar forth, comparing the real activities with established standards, define and measure deviations Proofreading as well as taking action it takes. Types of Monitoring Namely; Introduction supervision (control early), supervision of work currently underway on (control co-current), supervision Feed Back (feedback control). Phase Process Control; Set standards Implementation (Planning), Implementation of activities Determination Measurement, Benchmarking Implementation activities and analyzer standard deviation, Taking measures Proofreading. Supervision is important due because Environmental Change and the organization, as well as the organization Increased complexity, high Minimize Errors, managers need to review delegate authority, Communication and Information Assessing and take action Proofreading. That such Supervision Process Design; Formulate the findings in want, bookmark Establish the findings, pointing Setting a standard commercial articles, Establishing Information Network and Making SAR behind Dan Assessing the information and take action Proofreading. Strategic field is the Financial Transactions Oversight hearts, Relation Manager Dan Liege, Dan Operations Productive. The Monitoring tools are pale Sales Manager Exception Management (Management by Exception), Management Information System (MIS), Ratio Analysis and Budgeting.


How to Cite
Siallagan, H. (2016). Measures for Supervision in Efforts to Achieve Government of the Net. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(4). Retrieved from