Combating Corruption and Unethical Conduct through Education


Purity Kithuru Gitonga


Research has shown that corruption adversely cripples development, destroys the integrity fibre of a society, denies its citizens access to education and other social services, acts as a stumbling block to peace and justice and increases the cost of doing business. Corruption also undermines good governance, democracy and a country's competiveness and revenue base. The sad effect of corruption is when our children grow up believing falsely that personal effort, hard work and merit do not count and that success comes through manipulation, favoritism and bribery. Kenya like other developing economies has continued to experience high levels of corruption despite the Government's significant investment in legal, policy and other institutional reforms over the recent past. To address the disastrous effects of corruption, diverse strategies have been employed. Kenya has adopted a three pronged strategy namely: Law enforcement, Public education and Prevention

This paper focuses on education as a strategy in combating corruption and unethical conduct. The paper is divided into four parts. The first part discusses the meaning and purpose of education. The second part of the paper highlights the meaning of the term corruption and unethical conduct and the various anti-corruption strategies employed in combating corruption. Part three of the paper discourses on various ways in which education can serve as a tool in combating corruption and unethical conduct. The paper ends with a short conclusion.


How to Cite
Gitonga, P. K. (2016). Combating Corruption and Unethical Conduct through Education. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(4). Retrieved from