Background and Influence of Bengal Terracotta Temple Architecture (16th -19th century AD) on Arts and Crafts of Bengal


Saumya Bandyopadhyay


The period between 16thto19thcenturies is regarded as the golden period of temple architecture in Bengal characterized by small-sized, clay-made temples with elegant decorations on their walls known as terracotta. Terracotta plaques are well known for their descriptive nature and the narrative storytelling. This paper concentrates on the geographical, philosophical, historical, socio-religious and cultural background of these temples and their influence on the arts and crafts of rural and urban Bengal after 19th century.

Data from secondary sources like journal research papers, edited and published books, documentaries, etc. was used to build up the conceptual discussion in this paper. Analysis of the background of these temples and their influence on other art forms was also studied.

The study revealed that the terracotta temple architecture became the symbol of Hindu artistic expression of Bengal. Bengali culture of this period was under the influence of strong Vaishnavite and Shaivite philosophy. The historical changes, the rise of the Bhakti movement and the influence of Muslim and Anglo- Indian culture are reflected in all the finely modeled terracotta plaques of these temples. These heavily ornamented terracotta plaques greatly influenced the contemporary and later art and crafts i.e. textile design, wood craft, dolls, painted scrolls, manuscripts and metal crafts of Bengal.


How to Cite
Bandyopadhyay, S. (2016). Background and Influence of Bengal Terracotta Temple Architecture (16th -19th century AD) on Arts and Crafts of Bengal. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(4). Retrieved from