An Esteemed Agency "Natyashala” Encourages Performing Arts for Children with Disabilities


Varsha Gathoo
Veerata Sathe
Sharad Mohod


In 2001 the World Health Organization (WHO) established a new definition of disability based on human rights or social model hence disability started to be viewed from the standpoint of sociology. It is now considered as a social and environmental issue that deals with accessibility, accommodations, and equity. Performance art is about joy, about making something that's so full of kind of a wild joy that you really can't put into words. The psychology of art involves the study of perception, the study of the emotions, and the study of imagination and fantasy. Performance is an artistic act that bestows presence on the artist within society. It is a living art executed by a solo artist or a group of artists in real time. Performing Arts builds self-esteem and confidence which are valuable tools needed to face challenges of life and which is very much needed for the person with disabilities. Performing arts is a vocation that can have positive impact of children with disabilities. Arts encourage socialization, which can be difficult to achieve for young people with a disability. It gives children with disabilities a chance to share their voice, their vision, and their skills through expressions. The present case study aimed at studying the role of Natyashala as an agency for promoting performing arts for children with disabilities with an objective to trace the history, documenting the progress& exploring the activities for stakeholders.  Qualitative Research method with Purposeful sampling technique was used for conducting the present study. It was seen that over the years Natyashala has made notable contribution towards the cause of spreading awareness about disabilities and rehabilitating children with disabilities through the medium of performing arts. By training almost thousands of children with disabilities in performing arts, it has proved the notion of ‘Where there is a will, There is a way'.  Natyashala through its workshops and training programmes in  performing arts has indicated that positive approach, affection, equal opportunity, recognition of  abilities, perseverance, hard work, sense of oneness and above all, acceptance of  the fact  to make impossible possible for children with disabilities. The case study of Natyashala will be an epitome for other pioneering institutes in India and will encourage them to appreciate Natyashala's contribution towards individuals with disabilities and undertake similar initiatives at their own individual levels.  Thanks to Mrs. Kanchan Sontakke, founder Natyashala charity trust who gave me the privileges to explore it and make this study happened.


How to Cite
Gathoo, V., Sathe, V., & Mohod, S. (2016). An Esteemed Agency "Natyashala” Encourages Performing Arts for Children with Disabilities. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(4). Retrieved from