The Synthesis of the Dualism of Tradition and Modernity in Shashi Deshpande's Roots and Shadows


S. Santhi


The Tradition of Indian English writing is comparatively a new stream; still it has become a potent voice of Indian culture and civilization at the global level. The real Indian English novel flourished with Mulk Raj Anand, R.K. Narayan and Raja Rao who tried to provide a true picture of Indian society during an era of transition from slavery of independence. After independence, a reawaking came in Indian society to restore dignity and status to every individual irrespective of the limitations of caste or sex. With this change in attitude, novelists made efforts to portray women's position realistically. Earlier most of the Male writers presented female protagonist only either as idealized images of womanhood or the dumb shadows of male desires. However, novelists were inspired to make a bold and unconventional representation of woman's position through their writing and with their efforts, the tradition of novel in the last quarter of 20th century flourished with a distinctive identity. The novel of this period represents writer's awareness of women's awareness of women's individuality, their aspirations, and their inherent urge to break the resistance against all those inhibitions that were responsible for the inferior position of woman in Indian society.  The impact of changing social forces started redefining the tradition myths of idealized images of womanhood. The contribution of Shashi Deshpande is of paramount significance. With her awareness of the plight of Indian woman caught in the cross currents of tradition and modernity bearing the burden of family and familial relationship and making desperate efforts to make alternate spaces, she explores new horizons in the realm on Indian English fiction.


How to Cite
Santhi, S. (2016). The Synthesis of the Dualism of Tradition and Modernity in Shashi Deshpande’s Roots and Shadows. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(4). Retrieved from