Can Creative Writing Help in Early Healing of Physical Injuries and Trauma


Shivkumar Revashetty
Ravi Bhushan
Pravin P. Shiledar


The present article seeks to examine how acts of creative expressionistic writing can serve as a kind of therapy, miraculously healing physical wounds faster than many other alternative methods can. Taking the aforementioned as a basic premise, the article will take into account empirical evidence collected from modern research studies conducted by various scientists on the mind-body connection suggesting that the venting of dark emotions regarding a physical trauma, stressful or emotional events can actually ensure speedy recovery of not just the psyche and the mind, but the injured hominoid body as well. Specific reference will be made to the studies conducted on human subjects suffering from various traumatic experiences, and the controlled experiments conducted on them by having them undergo writing sessions for about fifteen to twenty minutes over a fixed duration of a particular number of days, wherein they shared even the most distressing and tense experiences involving their physical injuries. The same was reported to have altered their skin tissue structures immensely, and provided evidence of much better physical and psychological outcomes as compared to the subjects that did not undergo the same process, or wrote on inconsequential and neutral topics. With such investigations as background, the writer will present an overview of the creative and expressionistic writing paradigm, point out the populations with physical injuries for whom the model's beneficial impact has been scientifically observed, and deliberation probable and potential procedures triggering the perceived fitness gains. Furthermore, the article will suggest the way creative writing can be utilized as a healing instrument for both physically damaged patients and psychiatrically distressed survivors as well.


How to Cite
Revashetty, S., Bhushan, R., & Shiledar, P. P. (2016). Can Creative Writing Help in Early Healing of Physical Injuries and Trauma. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(4). Retrieved from