Street Begging: An Emerging Lifestyle in Yaounde, Cameroon


Clement Anguh Nkwemoh
Paschal Kum Awah


The Yaounde metropolis is an epitome of contemporary cities where some city dwellers come to rely on others through begging. Street begging depicts some of the social problems that plague growing cities today. This research therefore targets the origin, social, spatial and demographic characteristics as well as routine activities of beggars with the aim of improving welfare.

The methodological design of the research was a mix of quantitative and qualitative approaches. It entailed inductive and classical approaches involving direct observations, survey using questionnaires, the use of aerial photos and topographic sheets of the study zone to investigate the proliferation of beggars in Yaounde. Anthropological and Geographic analyzes were performed. Findings show that street begging has developed and intensified with urbanization. It was also realised that this activity is practised by both sexes of all age groups.  Most of the beggars come from Cameroon, specifically from the North and Far Northern Regions of Cameroon. Begging is intricately linked to poverty of some city dwellers in the Yaounde metropolis. This set of people cannot afford basic necessities like food, clothing, shelter and health care, so begging is a means of livelihood.

Reactive and proactive measures like establishing social centres and group homes are required to contain the phenomenon of street begging and take the street beggars off the streets.


How to Cite
Nkwemoh, C. A., & Awah, P. K. (2016). Street Begging: An Emerging Lifestyle in Yaounde, Cameroon. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(6). Retrieved from