Influence of Surprise Gifts in Candies on the Kids-Kinder Joy


Gauri P. P.
Sunij S. Nair


Everything is a business today. And in today's new era of globalization, the markets have found a new lucrative business, by making profits by good use of exploiting the minds of children and to sell goods by manipulating minds of Children. The business these days are made profitable by making use of the mind-set of kids by which sellers can sell their products through kids to their parents. Intense competition to tap the young aspiring division has seen these big players relying on high spend advertisements, cross-selling, licensed merchandising, program length commercials, product placement and promotions involving free gifts. The advertisers, before bringing out their product, do their homework thoroughly. They try to understand the role of the kids in the purchasing decision, and what power they hold over their parents. Kids are the most prominent consumers and are more empowered than ever in terms of knowing their preferences, information and engaging their parents. Attaching a toy, that attracts the kid in any way, will influence the child to purchase the product, and they never stop at one. Kids have long been considered as consumers with considerable buying power. Exposed to brands and advertising from their earliest years, before they even walk or talk, today's kids are consumers. They exactly know what they want and they know how to exert their influence in the marketplace.


How to Cite
P., G. P., & Nair, S. S. (2016). Influence of Surprise Gifts in Candies on the Kids-Kinder Joy. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(6). Retrieved from