The Function of Art in the Mark on the Wall


Yasaman Ghodsi


Virginia Woolf was both an author and a critic, in the latter field she was and is know as a feminist. In her novels the protagonist is almost always a woman. Yet this part of Woolf's career is not directly related to this study. This article of hers which is a discussion about literature is itself a work of art. While talking about literature her mind flows through ideas as the stream of consciousness she used in her novels. Accordingly scrutinizing such a work in order to get to the deeper levels of her article to find out more about literature and the view point about literature  toward literature at her period could depict more about literature and also about Virginia Woolf herself. This process will be done through a vigorous study of Virginia Woolf and common beliefs on literature and then they will be matched together in order to find a meaning out of it.


How to Cite
Ghodsi, Y. (2016). The Function of Art in the Mark on the Wall. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(6). Retrieved from