Conflicts in Africa: A Search for Conflict Prevention Strategy


Tsuwa, John Tor
Ochoga, Edwin Ochoga


Conflict has proven to be universal and its causes and impact multifaceted. Conflicts especially when it is in the negative create dysfunctionality and disarticulate the developmental process of the society. The African continent has become a theater of war as each of its sub-regions has experienced one form of conflict or the other as a result of the scramble for resources or political power, ethnic chauvinism and nepotism, poverty and external influence among others. The persistence of conflicts in Africa has shown that the orthodox strategies designed to prevent and resolve conflicts has not been fully effective. To comprehensively prevent and or resolve conflicts in Africa, this chapter recommends that African societies should embrace core democratic culture and principles such as good governance, rule of law, justice and equality. It is believe that this will prevent the high premium on the scramble for resources and political power and will also provide for the effective distribution of resources to the people in terms of provision of basic amenities. This will create a society where there will be no inequality hence peaceful co-existence.


How to Cite
Tor, T. J., & Ochoga, O. E. (2016). Conflicts in Africa: A Search for Conflict Prevention Strategy. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(6). Retrieved from