Indiscriminate Pasting of Posters and Its Implications on the Environment


Joshua Koomson
John Boateng
Nicholas Addo Tetteh
Rhoda Saan


One of the affordable forms of communication in Ghana is the use of posters. Many people within our communities do use posters to reach thousands of people during dissemination of information. But in most cases they do not give a second taught of its effect when reaching out their target audience. In some instances, the intended purpose of disseminating this information is defeated due to its pollution effect on our environment instead. It is in the light of this, that the researchers want to ascertain the associated problems and their solutions. The study was conducted within categories of people. These are the general public, officials of Tema Metropolitan Assembly and Graphic designers within the Tema Metropolis. The sample size of each group was fifty-five (55). The responses retrieved were generated through

administration of questionnaires, interviews, observation and photographs. During the research, numerous findings were ascertained with regards to indiscriminate pasting of posters in our communities. Some of the findings were: careless pasting of posters, poor positioning of banners, strong adhesives usage, no follow-up on expired posters, choking of gutters, polluting water bodies, flouting of bye-laws etc. Descriptive analysis was employed in analyzing the data. This research will go a long way to sensitize the general public on the proper measures to consider when pasting posters in our communities. In addition, it was revealed that most people are not aware of the negative incursions of pasting posters wrongly in our communities even though there are laws that forbid pasting posters indiscriminately. 


How to Cite
Koomson, J., Boateng, J., Tetteh, N. A., & Saan, R. (2016). Indiscriminate Pasting of Posters and Its Implications on the Environment. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(6). Retrieved from