The Role of Iddirs for Family Welfare at Keble 02, Dire Dawa City Administration, Ethiopia


Yenehun Taye Engida


The argument in this paper is that Iddir institutions have a key role in improving family welfare small holder social capital in Keble; however, constraints validate how inclusive such institutions, what factors affect participation in these networks, what systematic exclusion of particular groups of individuals or households and how decisions are made or how democratic in nature. There are versatile informal institutions functioning related to government, religion and service provision. Using both quantitative and qualitative approach with cross sectional sample of Iddir member's information, the response of Iddir institution to social capital building is modeled and inferred to the population and further enriched with qualitative evidence. Major findings include that Iddir institutions which exist in the study area played a different role for the community households, but most of them are not involved orphan welfare as their primary role due to less sensitivity of Ownership of community resource created, less participation of women's and youths in decision making process as executive committee ,corruption. The study suggests that the local administers should work in collaboration with the Iddir institution in order to enabling the environment and empowering the informal institution should be in place to expand in community development agenda.


How to Cite
Engida, Y. T. (2016). The Role of Iddirs for Family Welfare at Keble 02, Dire Dawa City Administration, Ethiopia. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(6). Retrieved from