An Investigation of the Opportunities for Diversification and Development of Rural Livelihoods Provided by Conservation Management in Zimbabwe: The Case of Communities Adjacent to Hwange National Park, Victoria Falls and the Save Valley Conservancies in Zimbabwe


Walter Mzembi


This objective of this study has been to determine how the communities living around conservancies in the trans-frontier conservation are benefitting from the community based conservations efforts through CAMPFIRE. This is part of a long and intricate discourse which links natural resource management to sustainable rural livelihoods through tourism. This means that the research will link management of natural resources to use of resources mainly wildlife with a view to understand how the management processes can secure the physical, economic and social efficiency, health and well-being of rural communities, particularly in communities around Hwange National Park, Victoria Falls and communities found around the Save Valley Conservancies in Zimbabwe.


How to Cite
Mzembi, W. (2016). An Investigation of the Opportunities for Diversification and Development of Rural Livelihoods Provided by Conservation Management in Zimbabwe: The Case of Communities Adjacent to Hwange National Park, Victoria Falls and the Save Valley Conservancies in Zimbabwe. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(6). Retrieved from