Coverage of Drug Addiction in Print Media in Kashmir, India


Tanveen Aslam Kawoosa


Print media represents the most readily available and potentially economical means of imparting information about the important social issues. Drug addiction is one such alarming social issue that is touching at the root of very existence in the contemporary society.

In this backdrop, this research, has attempted to study the extent and nature of news coverage given to issues like drug addiction in local broadsheet newspapers of Kashmir. For the purpose of analysis the study has been divided in to two parts. Part-one involves the quantitative approach and the second part includes the qualitative approach.

In part one, content analysis method has been applied to study three newspapers i.e. Urdu daily Aftab, Greater Kashmir and the Rising Kashmir (English dailies). Part two involved textual analyses of news stories from the same newspapers.

After thorough study, number of selected stories have been short listed. Twelve news stories have been selected at random out of total number of drug addiction based stories.

Moreover, the research aimed to test different hypothesis posed at the beginning of the study. The findings which emerged out of the study have confirmed the entire three hypothesis.

The first assumption, for instance, states, "Drug addiction receives considerable representation in Print media of Kashmir,”.

This hypothesis has been proved from the comprehensive content analysis conducted in this research. The researcher has observed that media concern about drug abuse appeared to have increased from the beginning of the study period.

This study has further brought to the fore that consumption of charas tops the list out of different illicit drugs. The almost daily report of seizure of substances of abuse like charas in the local press is a clear indicator that the menace is touching new heights. Hence the findings prove our first hypothesis.

The second hypothesis which states, ‘Newspaper reportage portrays youth as prime drug abusers' is also confirmed. Quantitative data in the study indicates that drug addiction has increased among youth over the period of four years (study period). The fact is also substantiated by qualitative analysis of stories wherein there has been frequent mention of youth either as drug user or drug trafficker. According to these news stories youth in their early 20s and late

30s seems to consume illicit drugs. The stories further revealed that drugs are not used for recreational purpose but as coping mechanism to deal with the stress of conflict.

It is perceived that females have also become part of the growing drug takers.

The final assumption in the hypothesis states that the Print media can play a pro-social role in generating awareness about drug addiction. The final assumption has also been proved to be true.

Moreover, the op-ed page (the page opposite to editorial page) which is mainly meant for citizens to voice their concern on different issues carried series of articles on the illicit consumption of alcohol. The study suggests that such articles can play a key role in moulding the public opinion about the long-term ill effects of drug abuse.

The other important findings which emerged from qualitative analysis of content of news genres reveal that the drug abuse is stereotypically presented as a threat to our culture and society.

On these important social problems, they have significantly contributed to setting the national agenda and guided the government in framing policies in negotiating these issues.


How to Cite
Kawoosa, T. A. (2016). Coverage of Drug Addiction in Print Media in Kashmir, India. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(6). Retrieved from