Pronunciation Difficulty of Kamayo Learners: A Case Analysis


Mardie E. Bucjan


This paper investigated the pronunciation difficulty of the Kamayo learners. Specifically this study aimed to: know if the interference of the first language caused this difficulty; point out the common pronunciation difficulty of these learners and propose an intervention activity or design materials to improve pronunciation skills in the second language. This study employed qualitative and quantitative method of research hence, the used of oral test and FGD or focused group discussion.

The primary reason of their difficulty is on the interference of their first language where the accent of their first language is carried over as they speak the second language. There are other intervening factors which caused this difficulty on pronunciation among these learners as namely: 1.) seldom usage of the second language, exposure and used of the language is only in the classroom; 2.) educational background and family background; 3.) exposure to reading materials and other forms of media. It is further concluded that the learners are having pronunciation difficulty specifically on some consonants and vowel sounds. Having this available information, a set of intervention materials such as modules and SIM Strategic Intervention Materials shall be designed to help them improve their pronunciation difficulty. The need for instructional materials which are readily available is considered very essential.


How to Cite
Bucjan, M. E. (2016). Pronunciation Difficulty of Kamayo Learners: A Case Analysis. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(6). Retrieved from