Performance Linkages of LAMPS/SHG's to Strengthen Marketing Strategies for NTFP's in Karnataka, India


T. M. Shivaprasad
H. M. Chandrashekar


Co-operation as a financial framework has been thought to be the best instrument to improve financial states of the weaker areas of the community. Co-operative   types of associations have been the most reasonable organizations to achieve a radical change in the states of the tribal group. The tribals were being misused by moneylenders, middlemen and merchants for a long stretch. Attributable to deficient plan for credit and for showcasing of horticulture and forest produce in the tribal ranges, it was characteristic that tribals would fall into the grasp of this misuse parcel. It was subsequently vital that the tribals were spared from mediators, money lenders and covetous merchants. Tribals must be guaranteed a reasonable cost for their farming and forest produce.


How to Cite
Shivaprasad, T. M., & Chandrashekar, H. M. (2016). Performance Linkages of LAMPS/SHG’s to Strengthen Marketing Strategies for NTFP’s in Karnataka, India. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(7). Retrieved from