Total Quality Management in Press and Post-Press: A Study of Book Printers in Ibadan, Nigeria


Clement Adeniyi Akangbe
Timothy Olorunniyi Okunola


This study examines the paramount issue of quality control (QC) in printing as a sine qua non for quality production. Having observed that the quality of the books produced by printers in Ibadan is generally on the average, the study investigates how Total Quality Management (TQM) can bring in a turn-around to production quality if injected into printing processes. The study adopted a survey method and structured questionnaire was the sole data collection instrument. Four research questions were formulated, one hundred (100) book printers were randomly chosen from Ibadan printers which constituted the population of the study. The 100 copies of the questionnaire administered on respondents were completed but 92 copies were returned and found useable. The data collected were analyzed using percentages and statistical mean. Findings showed that most of the book printing firms in Ibadan have neither quality control department nor specially trained quality control personnel. Most of the printers never heard of TQM. They all also agreed on the need for improved quality in production.


How to Cite
Akangbe, C. A., & Okunola, T. O. (2016). Total Quality Management in Press and Post-Press: A Study of Book Printers in Ibadan, Nigeria. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(7). Retrieved from