Identifying Bodo Women through Educational Empowerment with Special Reference to BTAD in Assam, India


Shiba Ram Narzary


Bodo Women occupied significant position in Bodo society since the time immemorial. Their participation in every field is increasing over the times. They are hard-working of the society. But sometimes they are denied basic human rights, beaten, raped and killed by men. Like women of other communities, Bodo Women are also facing violence inside and outside their family as well as at the workplace. They are subordinated by the male counterpart as because of they are being women. Therefore, it is necessary to enables them through different processes of empowerment to realize their full identity and power for helping them in challenging the existing norms and culture in effectively promoting their well-being. This paper aimed at identifying Bodo women and their position in the society through empowerment to make them highlight all over the world.


How to Cite
Narzary, S. R. (2016). Identifying Bodo Women through Educational Empowerment with Special Reference to BTAD in Assam, India. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(7). Retrieved from