Impact of Self Help Groups on Household Food Production in Nyakach Sub County, Kenya


Paul Okello Atieno


Studies have revealed that participation in Self Help Groups (SHGs) significantly improves household food security in some divisions in Kenya. However, Kisumu County has suffered highest incidences of food poverty in Kenya with 53.4% of the population living below the food poverty line compared to 8.4% in Nairobi. Similarly, Nyakach Sub County within Kisumu County, with a population of about 600 SHGs, also faces a poverty level of 48%. The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of SHGs on household food production in Nyakach Sub County. Specific objectives of the study were to establish the impact of SHGs on income, yields, asset acquisition, and number of meals in a day by households in Nyakach Sub County. The target population was 234 farmer groups in the sub county. Through stratified random sampling, 157 households who were members of the targeted farmer groups were selected for questionnaire administration. Three committee members of these SHGs were also interviewed. Descriptive statistics and t-test for independent variables were used to analyse data. The study found that 73.5% of the SHG members in Nyakach Sub County (P<0.01) realized the improvement of their households' income, physical assets, crop yields and increase in number of meals in a day. The findings registered 50% and 160%, 80% and 160%, 100% and 200% increase of minimum and maximum income, crop yields and household assets for SHG members after joining SHGs respectively. The study recommended the following: members should use credit risk mitigation techniques including covering their business activities with insurance to reduce the amount of defaulted loans.


How to Cite
Atieno, P. O. (2016). Impact of Self Help Groups on Household Food Production in Nyakach Sub County, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(7). Retrieved from