Evolution and Development of Rites of Passage among the Modern Abagusii Community in Kenya


Tinega Intabo Charles


The concept of rites of passage is generally understood to mean four stages that a human being undergoes on this physical world. The stages are: birth and naming, initiation, marriage and death. This is the understanding that many people have from ancient time and as far as the writing of African history and religion is concerned.

This research paper however is designed at widening the understanding of rites of passage and how this has evolved to the contemporary period. In the contemporary period and among secularists, the rites of passage can refer to more than the four stages mentioned above. According to the research the stages are conception, birth, naming, schooling, initiation, employment, marriage, retirement, death and resurrection/ God's judgment day.

The contemporary African society is that of "today” which is majority a mixture of Christians, Muslims and secularists. The society is more of contemporary than modern because modern could mean a longer period down the line.

The world and human life is dynamic and not static. Life continues to change from what and where it used to be to expected and unexpected experiences. Further, globalization has led to many changes in the world and is likely to create uniformity to humankind all over. All religious movements   are ready to adopt new elements, invent new rituals or re- interpret the old (McEwan, 1968)

In this research the author had discussed five main questions of concern. The first question is referred to as the ‘what' questions. The question answers questions such as the definition of rites of passage.  It identifies ten rites of passage among the modern Abagusii. The second question is the ‘when' question. This answers the question about the particular period of time or season that the various rites of passage are carried on. The third question is the ‘who' question. It answers the question about the specific individuals involved in the various rites of passage. The fourth question is the ‘why' question that gives reasons as to why each of the rites of passage is practiced. The fifty question is the ‘how' question.  The question responds to the issue on how each of the practices is practiced by the modern Abagusii.

Finally, the research paper has been designed purposely to bring awareness of the effects of the changing world on the emergency and development of rites of passage among modern communities. 


How to Cite
Charles, T. I. (2016). Evolution and Development of Rites of Passage among the Modern Abagusii Community in Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(8). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/126846