Marital Satisfaction and Lifestyle in Married Men Working Nightshift


Tina Fernandes
Nandini Sanyal
Gurram Keerthika
Namita Ruparel


The objective of the present study is to determine whether there is any relationship between marital satisfaction and lifestyle in men with spouses working day shift, men with spouses working in night shift and men with spouses who are homemakers. A non-probability purposive sampling technique was used to select a sample of 180 married men working night shift. Among them 60 men had spouses working day shift, 60 men had spouses working night shift and 60 men had spouses who were homemakers. Index of Marital Satisfaction (IMS) (Hudson, 1992) and Life Style Inventory (Pareek, 1997) were administered to the participants. The results revealed that the men with spouses working day shift scored significantly higher than the men with spouses working night shift and the men with spouses who are homemakers on marital satisfaction (p<0.05). The findings also indicated that the men with spouses who are homemakers scored significantly higher than the men with spouses working day shift on the fitness dimension of life style (p<0.05). The present study brings to light the disadvantages of working night shift and how special attention should be given to enhance couple relationships for a happier and healthier married life.


How to Cite
Fernandes, T., Sanyal, N., Keerthika, G., & Ruparel, N. (2016). Marital Satisfaction and Lifestyle in Married Men Working Nightshift. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(8). Retrieved from