Changes in Spatial Patterns of Urbanization in Punjab: 1971-2011


Jasmine S. Singh


The state of Punjab has been witnessing rapid urbanization since independence. It has consistently maintained a higher level of urbanization than the national level. The level of urbanization as measured by the proportion of urban population to total population has increased from 23.73 per cent to 37.48 per cent. There were, however, vast regional variations in the urbanization level in different parts of the state. In 1971, high level of urbanization coincided with the more industrialized tahsils. Vast areas of the state displayed low and moderate level of urbanization with very few pockets having a high level of urbanization. However, by 2011, the extent of highly urbanized areas increased. The areas close to the state capital experienced rapid urban transformation. The locational factors, government policy and infrastructural and industrial development played a significant role.


How to Cite
Singh, J. S. (2016). Changes in Spatial Patterns of Urbanization in Punjab: 1971-2011. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(9). Retrieved from