Transforming Society through missionary Zeal and Cooperation: A Study of the Presbyterian Church in Bono-Ahafo, Ghana


Kwame Adum-Kyeremeh


Orthodox churches in Ghana have come under sharp and intense criticism by Charismatic and Pentecostal church pastors and their members in recent times. Some of the points raised include the continued singing of classical hymns at church. Others hold the view that orthodox churches have caused disunity among Ghanaians through their establishment of Salem's and Christian villages. Yet, others assert that pastors of the church are too formalized and do not rekindle excitement in church members during worship. Their form of worship is alien to Ghana and has contributed to the low interest of people in the Christian religion. Despite these assertions, a critical observation of orthodox churches' activities reveal that they have made immense contributions to the Ghanaian society. The Presbyterian Church for instance has established churches in very remote parts of Ghana since the nineteenth century. The church has greatly complemented the Ghana government's efforts to develop and raise the social and economic well-being of the Bono people in particular and Ghanaians as a whole. The church's work in Bono Ahafo exemplifies how churches can spread the gospel without constantly demanding financial support from members. The church's social and economic activities provide a guide on how churches can provide the social and economic needs of members and society generally. This paper seeks to examine the Presbyterian Church's contribution to the socio-economic development of Ghanaians. The paper argues that the Presbyterian Church's policy of selfless leadership and dedicated interest in the well-being of members and society as a whole have contributed significantly to transform the Bono Ahafo traditional society since the twentieth century.


How to Cite
Adum-Kyeremeh, K. (2016). Transforming Society through missionary Zeal and Cooperation: A Study of the Presbyterian Church in Bono-Ahafo, Ghana. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(9). Retrieved from