CMM Analysis of Communication Strategies between Facilitators and the Beneficiary Community of PNPM Mandiri Perkotaan: A Case Study at BKM - KSM Pakisaji, Malang Regency


Rahadian M. Sakti
S. I. Kom
M. I. Kom
Bambang Dwi Prasetyo
Ir. Sanggar Kanto


This study analyzed the performance of the communication strategies of Urban PNPM Mandiri in Pakisaji village 2014 that had been indicated problematic. Dialogic communication model and deliberative communication model has been used as strategic concept, and the principles of community empowerment were utilized as base application of performance analysis and analisys of Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) models. This research was descriptive qualitative, and collecting data methods used depth interview, observation, and review document. Althought analisys data tehnique ‘iles and Huberman dan CMM theory analysis.

The results of analysis had indicated that the poor performance of the dialogic communication, and deliberative communication models was due the absence of effective communication and community empowerment perspectives owned by the facilitator. While the results of the analysis of CMM theory of dialogic of communication strategies on socialization step achieve life script level. Deliberative of communication strategies on organaizing step achieve life script level. Deliberative of communication strategies on needs analysis step achieve episode level. Dialogic of communication strategies on implementations step achieve coordination. Dialogic of communication strategies on maintenance step didn't reach coordination. Dialogic of communication strategies on disengagement reach coordination.

In conclusion, the performance of the communication strategy of Urban PNPM in Pakisaji village 2014 indicated poor. However, if inefficiency and inffectivity is about to be avoided, then the principles of effective communication and community empowerment should be adopted in the implementation of PNPM. Althought the results of the analysis CMM theory to the communication strategies between facilitators to communities in village Pakisaji, only be able to create coordination meaning at the level of certain at each stage.


How to Cite
Sakti, R. M., Kom, S. I., Kom, M. I., Prasetyo, B. D., & Kanto, I. S. (2016). CMM Analysis of Communication Strategies between Facilitators and the Beneficiary Community of PNPM Mandiri Perkotaan: A Case Study at BKM - KSM Pakisaji, Malang Regency. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(9). Retrieved from