Multicultural Societies and Human Dignity: Human Rights Education


Muşerref Yardim


As human dignity concerns "human", it has entered into interests of every society, every culture, every civilization and religion. However, it has mostly been discussed in the framework of human rights with the modern period. Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 1 stipulates "All human beings are born equal in dignity and rights and free.” In this line, human rights refer to the innately given rights which humans are entitled to enjoy equally. These rights are expressed as the right to life, health, education, advocacy, confidentiality of private life, equal access to public services, vote and to be voted for, to acquire property and travel. This article highlights the prominent role of human rights education that defined as "a participatory process of empowering individuals and communities by raising awareness, changing attitudes and inspiring actions aligned with human rights principles” in the context of diversity and multiculturalism.


How to Cite
Yardim, M. (2016). Multicultural Societies and Human Dignity: Human Rights Education. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(11). Retrieved from