Ayurveda - The Indigenous System of Medicine in Travancore State, India


Anand Lali Seena


The Travancore State began to take more and more interest in the indigenous medicine from the late 19thcentury onwards. In Travancore every village had a native practitioner called vaidyan. The vaidyan had a knowledge of medicinal plants and herbs and collected them to make drugs himself. As to the castes of these vaidyans at least the Brahmin, Ambalavasis, Nairs, Ezhavas etc. embraced the occupation. Some of the Namboodiri practitioners traced their medical knowledge to instructions given by Parasurama the legendary conqueror of Kerala. The Ezhavas also claimed that they had been from time immemorial noted for their proficiency in the native medical art. Also among the vaidyans listed in the Travancore Almanac for 1918 about forty-five percent were clearly Nairs. The vaidyans treated patients who belonged to castes difficult from their own. Various communities including inferior castes received medical treatment from the vaidyans. The Travancore state adopted the policy of encouraging indigenous medicine so early was that it was an orthodox state. Towards the end of the 19th cy with the development of nationalism and cultural awakening the nationalists began to claim the effectiveness and superiority of Indian systems of medicine and the All India Ayurvedic congress established in 1907 was one of the results of the movement. In British Malabar this movement was led by P.S. Warrier in 1902 he organized the "Arya Vaidya Samajam” for the revitalization of Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda is fifth veda because health of diseased and remaining activities of health end up on virtue Wealth passion and salvation. The emphasis on the maintenance of positive health is a distinguishing feature of Ayurveda. As it aimed at the protection of life it was not only called Ayurveda but also as Lokopakaram. Ashtanga Hrudaya is considered as the most authentic work on Ayurveda apart from Charakasamhita and Susruta samhita. The Travancore government gave special emphasis for the promotion of Ayurveda. The government opened Ayurvedic schools, Ayurvedic Hospital and Ayurvedic College. Ayurveda today is a 3500 crore industry.

 In this paper an attempt has been made to emphasize the Ayurvedic system of medicine practiced in Travancore state. Its origin, principal ideas development programmes etc have been analysed, and the reason for promoting Ayurveda the indigenous system of medicine in Travancore - the charitable state.


How to Cite
Seena, A. L. (2016). Ayurveda - The Indigenous System of Medicine in Travancore State, India. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(11). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/127101