The Effect of Children's Involvement in Housework to Academic Performance in Early Childhood at City Primary School, Nairobi, Kenya


Esther Kulundu Ambetsa


Research in early childhood emphasizes the interplay between the home and the school in enhancing quality holistic experiences n children in the early years. However, the rise in industrialization and technological advancements in modern day society have had tremendous effects on childhood experiences that have all along been significant to the development of children including the participation of children in housework. This was a descriptive study whose purpose was to find out whether or not school children in urban households are being involved in housework and how this relates to their academic performance. Qualitative methods of data collection and analysis were used and purposive sampling techniques were employed. Target population ere 6-8-year-old children, parents and teachers City Primary school, Nairobi County, Kenya. Findings showed that most children in urban areas did not participate in housework, few who did had positive views but opportunities were limited. School work and house helps ere a major competing force to children's participation in housework. Recommendation is that parents, teachers and policy makers should be enlightened on the role of housework in developing academic competence in children.


How to Cite
Ambetsa, E. K. (2016). The Effect of Children’s Involvement in Housework to Academic Performance in Early Childhood at City Primary School, Nairobi, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(11). Retrieved from