Border Strikes Back: New Walls in Geopolitics


Ali Awwad Rashed al-Shraah


The dream of a world without borders is almost a reality. There are no borders for communications, for trade, for art or culture. Governments keeps talking about the disappearance of borders but we must recognize the permanence of them and especially their solidification Since 11 September 2001, fences, walls and borders have become an object and policy instrument. Borders are making a comeback. Europe will soon have more physical barriers on its national borders than it did during the cold war. Today there is about 35000 - 40000 km of closed borders or borders which closure is planned. It represents about 15% of global borders. The phenomenon is of such magnitude that it has spawned a real economy of the walls. The walled borders return in a global scale and it is necessary to measure its impact on international relations.


How to Cite
al-Shraah, A. A. R. (2016). Border Strikes Back: New Walls in Geopolitics. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(11). Retrieved from