Subjective Well-being: A Study among Call Center Employees


Sultana Praveen


Human resources play a vital role in the successful functioning of call center as organization. Their (employees) prime duty is to provide the customers with the needed information. So organizations recruit them with great care and spend a lot in training them.  But employees are facing continuous workload, unreachable targets, abusive customers, unfavorable working condition, imbalance life style and switch to one processor to another frequently. The high levels of absenteeism and turnover due to the incidence of high stress levels in the call center environment have led to renewed interest in measuring call center agents' work-related wellbeing. Subjective well-being comprises of scientific analysis of how people evaluate their lives both at the moment and longer periods.

This study presents to see the effect on subjective well-being among call center employ. It also examined the positive and negative aspect of subjective well-being which includes 11 dimensions in this particular study. A quantitative survey conducted on a convenience sample (n=100) of call center employees working on Delhi and NCR, India.  The questionnaire is circulated to measure the subjective well-being on scale developed by Nag pall and Sell (1992) to find responses given by the Domestic and International call center employees with continuation 0f statistical analysis Pearson product-moment correlations were calculated to assess the direction and strength of the relationships between the variables and ANOVA to see the within and between variance among call centre employees.


How to Cite
Praveen, S. (2016). Subjective Well-being: A Study among Call Center Employees. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(11). Retrieved from