The Search for Intimacy in the Indian Context


Lubhana Malik


In recent research, interest has centered on the concept of intimacy, both as a subject and as an analytic direction. This article conceptualizes the understanding of intimacy in India, where globalization and popular media have led to an increased desire for intimacy in relationships. Western research shows that intimate relationships are a predictor of life satisfaction, whereas, lack of intimacy leads to psychological and psychosomatic distress. While mapping the changing process of intimacy in India, it was found that modernization has led to changes in the family structure and adjustments expected from a couple. Yet, achieving such intimacy has varied costs for Indian couples. Addressing these lacunae in actualizing intimacy is imperative to therapeutic work for marital and family therapists. 


How to Cite
Malik, L. (2016). The Search for Intimacy in the Indian Context. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(11). Retrieved from